Yesterday we went out with Eunice, and there were a few good things, and 1 bad thing about our day!! First the bad thing……

#1 bad thing about KL; We got stuck in traffic! Eunice was not that familiar with the city center, and driving us around she got stuck in this traffic jam….. it was horrible!!! Then going out of the city at about 5:00pm to the restaurant we got stuck in the traffic again… even worse! It took us almost 2 hours to drive 15K. It seems that the public transport here is not very good, so no one uses it, everyone drives…. KL traffic is not so good!!!

Now the good things about yesterday…..

#1 good thing about KL; was seeing Eunice again. Eunice came to study in Lincoln University in 2005 and started coming to our Church. She got really involved in helping us lead MOSAIC, and was a real blessing there, leading worship and helping out in many ways. She came back to KL in April this year, and is working here. I think she misses NZ!! She took us to the famous KL Chinatown on Petaling Street;

#2 good thing; then we went to see the Patronis Twin Towers, made famous by Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones in the movie “Entrapment”. These twin towers are very impressive, beautiful, specially at night, all shiny and silvery.

(These things are too high to get into one picture) There is a lovely park out the front of the towers.

#3 good thing about KL is the seafood. Eunice took us to a seafood place and we were joined by three of her friends from her Church. (From L. to R.; Bronx, Ivan and Vincent) All very nice young men, smart, handsome…. and available!!! The crab was deeeeeliiiiiciouuuuuuuuusssssss!

#4 good thing about KL.…..what better way to finish off a nice seafood meal than……. yes, you guessed it…… Durian!!! These guys new the best durian place in town! A good friend emailed me and told me not to eat too much Durian, because it makes you very “heatty”. Well I asked Eunice what the symptoms of being “heatty” are so I can watch out for it. But she was unable to tell me what heatty is, except for; yellow phlem and sore throat. If that is being “heatty” I don’t think there is too much to worry about.

Are there any other signs of being “heatty”?????