Today Becky and I went to School in Taipei. Helen, who has graciously provided a flat for us to live in for a month free of charge here, is an English Teacher in a Junior College here in Lin-kou, Taipei County. Becky and I were the “special visitors” introducing NZ, our Church, and doing Q & A. We were there for 2 hours and it was quite a new experience. Here are some of the students. They look a lot like girls in our Youth Group at CCC!!

Here is a pic of the students parking lot. Pretty cool huh!!

This morning there were 5,000 students on campus, aged 15-22. Total student numbers are 10,000! It is a large, spacious, clean, modern school. It is a private school owned by a business man, and fees are about NT$30K per semester, which equals about NZ$1500.00. There were about 52 students in the class learning “Applied/Spoken English”. During the class, like students anywhere, they were at times very focused and engaged, and at times, chatting and daydreaming. When we talked about food in Taiwan and NZ they were really into it, specially when I told them a plate of 10 ‘Gwo-te’ in NZ costs about NZ$9.00…. they nearly fell off their chairs. (in Taiwan the cost is about NZ$2.00) When I told them 2 litres of ice-cream cost NZ$2.99 they were very amazed.

When we talked about our Church and showed them pictures of our Church Nelson Camp, YG activities etc they were very interested. Pictures of some baptisms in the Church were also very new to them, as none were Christians.

During our Q & A I asked them what is the best thing about Taiwan and what is the worst thing; Best; #1) Taiwan’s Food, #2) Taiwan’s Natural Scenery, and #3) Taiwan’s people.

When I asked them what is the worst thing about Taiwan, there was an instant response. They all, and I mean all 52 of them got very animated and started talking at the same time, calling out the same answer…… I was really surprised as they had been rather quite the whole class, but on this question there was a passionate, unanimous response. What do you think they thought the worst thing about Taiwan is???

Scroll down to see their answer…..

The #3 worst thing about Taiwan, (according to these 52 students) is… Taiwan’s Education Policies. They had very strong opinions on this.

The #2 worst thing about Taiwan, (according to these 52 students) is… Taiwan’s Pollution.


The #1 worst thing about Taiwan, (according to these 52 students) is… Taiwan’s Politics. (I was really surprised that ALL these 16 year old students were so aware and so concerned about Political issues. I cannot imagine Kiwi students knowing, or caring anything abut NZ politics. Perhaps NZ politics is too boring! Or is it tht Taiwan’s Politics is too…….. colourful…..)