Yes, everyone! Pastor Jack’s Blog is the place to come to, to find out what is happening in Taiwan!! And here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few pics of Kevin and Clare’s wedding banquet tonight. It was a great evening, the bride was beautiful, the groom was very happy, Kevin’s parents were very proud of their son, Mrs Wong was also so happy, the place was full of Kevin’s relatives…. even Mr Chu (Jennifer’s Father, who is Kevin’s uncle, and so Kevin is Jennifer and Robert’s ‘Biao-ge’, so that is why he is always called ‘Biao-ge’!!! Got it?) from Chch.

The banquet hall was really special, they even had a tenor singing Italian Opera; Wow…… he was one of Kevin’s mother’s students and he was good!!! Very romantic!!! Kevin and Clare were really happy…. aren’t weddings wonderful!! (Oh I almost forgot, the shark’s fin soup was yummy…. but I always feel sorry for the poor shark… as was the rest of the banquet!)

This next one is of Kevin’s beautiful young mum, and his beautiful young sister; Cherry. Cherry was baptised in our Church many years ago, and is now married, and living and working with her husband in Germany!

In this next pic of three lovely young ladies you will see Yi-pei. (Becky and I are going to spend some time with Yi-pei and Lisa next week, so will fill you in on what she has been up to next week!)

Finally, this one is of Clare’s second sister Carol, her husband Roland, and cute children, Gloria and Timothy. Carol was in our Church for many years; YG, YAG, teaching Sunday School. Carol was a real joy in our Church!! She got her M.Sc. at Canterbury and then left CCC about 6-7 years ago and went to Singapore where she met Roland and married. Roland is a University Proff. in Singapore teaching Physics. Our Church recently gave a little financial support to their family as they were on a 6 week mission trip to Nigeria, Africa.