Many of you may know Johnny Lee. The day he was baptised in our Church in 2000 was a very special day. It was both ‘end’ and ‘beginning’. It was the ‘end’ of a 20 plus year journey towards Jesus. Johnny had been a hard core cynic and skeptic. Christian friends in Taiwan back in his University days had encouraged Johnny to believe, but he had too many doubts. I first met Johnny in about 1998 when he started coming to our Church. He was a bit like a spectator. He always came about 25 minutes late, after the singing was over. He usually left straight after the service was finished. But gradually, week by week he was getting closer to faith. He began to seek God seriously. When Johnny was baptised it was the end of a long search, but it was just the ‘beginning’ of his Christian life. It was a joy to have Johnny and his 3 children Judy, Tina, and Kevin and wife Linda in our Church for those few years. Johnny has many talents, he is very humorous and a really good talker, and a great translator. Johnny started helping our Church do a lot of written translation from English to Chinese.

Unfortunately for us their family moved to Brisbane in 2001. Fortunately johnny was willing to keep doing translation. So for the past 7 years I have been emailing English articles to Brother Johnny 1-2 times a week, and within 1-2 days he sends back his translations. So a lot of the written Chinese text you read in our Church comes from Johnny. Many people in our Church have commented on the really high quality of these translations.  I really thank God for Brother Johnny, and for email!!!

We had lunch ( a wonderful Japanese, all you can eat buffet… they were carving up the tuna fish and salmon fish in front of us…. fantastic!!) with Brother Johnny, Linda and Kevin today. Brother Johnny spends half his time in Brisbane with his family, and half his time in Taipei working in his clinic as a dentist. Linda was baptised earlier this year in Brisbane. (Her journey to faith was an even longer journey than Johnny’s,) Kevin was only 4 when he left Christchurch, and he has grown into a very nice young man. Speaks with an Aussi accent, and enjoys playing Rugby League (The greatest game in the world except for football.) tennis, softball and all other sports. I was very impressed with Kevin, he has become a very confident, friendly, young man!!