Had another Mandarin class with my “lao-shi” Joy today, much better!! Have been “adding oil”! Definitely making progress! And saw Edwin and Connie Zoan at dinner and Edwin gave me a couple of “Interactive Chinese Multimedia Programmes” that his company produces. These are great programmes and will be really helpful, so things are really looking up!

Edwin (‘Zoan da-ge de di-di’) and his wife Connie and their two boys were in our Church for a few years 1998-2001 ‘cha-bu-doh’. Edwin was our Deacon’s chairman for a term, and he and Connie led the YAG as advisers for a few years, and realy did a great job. 2001 they moved their family to Brisbane, and Edwin is now working in Taipei as an Executive Vice President of a company producing “LIVE” English and Chinese learning materials and e-learning platforms. Connie was here in Taipei for a month so we had a really lovely time with them. We talked and talked and talked about old times, and it was wonderful…. and of course we had a lovely dinner and desert. More kilos to the waistline!

Victor Zuan, Edwin’s cousin, also joined us for dinner. Victor was also in our church for a couple of years but is now back in Taipei working with a company called “G-Fly tech Inc.” (isn’t that a cool name for an IT company!!??) doing 3G interfacing software kind of stuff. He tried to explain to me what they were doing, and I tried to look intelligent and nodded my head and went; “mmmmmm, ah… I see, mmmmm”, but it was all a bit over my head!

(It has been a real struggle to keep to my weekly Tuesday Fast, but after a comment on this blog, from a concerned brother last night, about my weight…. maybe tomorrow I better start again….. I will let you know how I get on….)