Today I preached at the Linnan Church English Congregation, and Chen Hsiao-fen came to Church with us. (Her English name is Connie, short for Constance.) We haven’t seen Hsiao-fen for over 10 years, and it was really lovely to see her after all this time!! She came to Christchurch in 1993 as an overseas student. Her first home-stay parents were Brother David and Minky Miao. Hsiao-fen started coming to our Church and in 1995 was Baptised into Christ. She completed High School at Avonside Girls High and then went to Wanganui to do a degree in Computer Graphics, then to Sydney to do her Masters in Computer Animation and Design… or something like that. Then she returned to Taiwan and worked for a company doing computer animation, also spending time working in New York. She is now teaching in Taipei, and seems to be really enjoying her many students. Hsiao-fen took us out to this famous resturant and we had really yummy “Xiao lung bao”……. yum…. I know your mouth is watering just thinking about this….. haha….. thankyou Hsiao-fen.

She bought Mark, one of her students, to Church and it was his very first time in a Church. He seemed to enjoy it, bought a bible and came out for lunch with us after Church. Hsiao-fen said she would encourage him to come with her next week to Church. Hsiao-fen didn’t look much different from when we knew her 10 years ago. See the picture; she still looks like a cute, young student!!

After that we went up ‘Taipei 101’, until recently the tallest building in the world. it is a VERY impressive building, and the shopping mall under it is really pretty, and also pretty expensive!!! Unfortunately the afternoon had got a bit foggy/smoggy, the morning was lovely blue skies, but by the time we got up there…. well this is what it looked like!