Sounds unbelievable! Feed a whole family for a month for NZ$30.00!

Tomorrow in our 3 worship services I plan to encourage everyone in our Church to make an offering for the suffering poor in Zimbabwe. We will take up an offering  at our Christmas Day worship service next Thursday. Zimbabwe’s Dictator, Robert Mugabe, and his army of soldiers thugs, have systematically destroyed their beautiful, productive Nation. 80% unemployment, complete social breakdown, hyper-inflation. Three months ago a can of Coke cost 5 Billion Zimbabwe dollars. Today that same can of Coke will cost you a cool 1 trillion Zim$!!! What a joke! What a tragedy. Thousands dying from malnutrition, from cholera, and from the pathetic incompetence and deliberate oppression of their “Government”. (The other tragedy in all this is the African Nations, the UN, and the rest of the World who sit on their hands, shake their heads in disapproval, and…. do nothing!)

How can I help?.


Chris and Mandy Baigent are old friends of mine. Chris was an Elder in the Spring Grove Church of Christ, when I was in the Youth Group there. For the past 10-15 years they have been visiting Churches in Zimbabwe, and building Mission Networks there. Their organization is called “Kiwi-Link Zimbabwe”. In Feb this year they visited our Church sharing the needs, raising finances and signing people up for child sponsorships. Theirs is a very grass-roots mission, low-cost, high value, trustworthy! They are seeking financial support to continue to bring meali-meal (a kind of corn feed that the people make into a corn porridge) into Zimbabwe. I know that if I give Chris and Mandy $1.00  that money will be used to help a family in Zimbabwe!

Maybe we can’t save Zimbabwe, but we can feed a family for a month for just NZ$30.00. Check out their website;

I had heard of QQ but didn’t really know much about it. It appears to be an “Instant Messaging” programme, like MSN. Apparently it is a phenomenon in China, with several hundred million people using QQ.

So, being a young, hi-tech Pastor, of a Chinese Church, I thought I must get me one of them QQ numbers… so now that I got one, and a cool nick-name; KiwiBoy, all I need to do now is figure out how to use this…

Can anyone give me some advice??

In July Becky and I were at a Chinese Church Conference in Melbourne. One of our pastor friends there was telling us of a problem in his Church. A Christian Sister in the Church had contracted cancer and was refusing medical help, and instead wanted to go to Florida to the “Lakeland Revival” to be prayed for by evangelist Todd Bentley. This was dividing their Church as some thought it was a great idea, others were very much against it. I had heard the name “Todd Bentley”, but knew little about what was happening in Florida.

When we got home a I did a Google search on “Todd Bentley” and discovered that there were some in the Body of Christ that loved him, and others that believed he was a false teacher, and a false prophet. I watched some of his videos on UTube, and it was pretty clear that this guy was really wacky!

I have been following the story a bit, and…. well, 3 months ago Todd Bentley left his wife, left the “Revival” and is now living with his former female staff member who was his live-in nanny. It is a very sad story. It is a huge wound on the body of Christ not just in USA but also around the world.

Here is a helpful, honest, article from “Charisma Magazine” which is one of the leading Charismatic Magazines in the USA. There are some really good lessons here for all of us.

20/20 Hindsight: What I Hope We Learned From the Lakeland Revival

Looking back at what happened in Lakeland, I wonder if we can agree on what went wrong. By J. Lee Gradey.

It has been four months since Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley fled the scene of Florida’s Lakeland Revival amid rumors of a moral failure. When Bentley vanished in August, the crowds thinned, God TV stopped broadcasting services, the meetings eventually shut down and Bentley’s worship leader took the popular music of the revival on the road.

Meanwhile, many people were left scratching their heads. Some were angry with Bentley for leaving his wife. Some were confused because their faith had been energized during the six-month long experience. Many charismatic ministry leaders defended the revival, saying that it was never supposed to focus on a man. Others blamed Bentley’s critics for the revival’s demise

Late last week the board of directors of Fresh Fire Ministries—which Bentley resigned from in August—released a lengthy statement to update its supporters on Bentley’s condition. The letter confirmed that (1) Bentley is “resolute in his intentions” to divorce his wife, Shonnah—and that “he admits to being 100% responsible for the divorce”; (2) his relationship with his former intern is ongoing; (3) the evangelist drank inappropriately during the revival; and (4) he has yet to enter into a clear system of accountability with Christian leaders who have offered to help him.

The six-page statement, which defended the impact of the Lakeland Revival, did not excuse Bentley’s behavior. “We believe there are currently no biblical grounds for Todd to leave his wife and children,” the board members said. They added: “The nature of the present relationship between Todd and his former staff member is that of adultery.”

Lakeland was a painful chapter in the history of our movement, not just because such a highly visible preacher made such embarrassing moral choices but also because Christian leaders never agreed on what went wrong or how it could have been avoided. Now that the accident scene is in our rearview mirror, I wonder if we can agree on at least some points. Here are some lessons I hope we have learned by now:

Lesson #1: Accountability. Accountability. Accountability. I wish just saying the word over and over could impress the concept in our minds. Leaders must live according to biblical standards. Period. Bentley’s board admitted in their statement that after the Lakeland meetings went into full swing, Bentley developed troubling behavior patterns. That would have been the right time for someone with apostolic courage to demand that Bentley step down for a season until he got his spiritual life in order. If we really want New Testament miracles and New Testament impact, maybe we should embrace New Testament discipline.

Lesson #2: The one-man show is over. New Testament ministry is about teams, not hotshots. Paul shared the workload with Barnabas, Phoebe, Clement, Priscilla, Aquilla and many others. And he protested when people tried to make him out to be a god. When will we learn that the superstar syndrome actually thwarts genuine revival because it causes audiences to focus on man instead of Jesus?

I know there are those who insist that Bentley didn’t want people to notice him. But if that’s true, why did he cover himself with tattoos a few years ago, when he was in the ministry? I’m not a stickler about tattoos, but in Bentley’s case they definitely should have been a red flag. Anyone who craves that much attention needs counseling before they get on a stage.

Lesson #3: Chill out. The Fresh Fire board, in last week’s statement, admitted that one of their biggest mistakes was allowing Bentley’s meetings to go on week after week without a break. Bentley tried to preach continually without rest, and as a result he burned out. Most likely his staff burned out too. No Sabbath, no time for family, no time to unwind. No human being can keep such a schedule without imploding.

Isn’t this also true for the American church scene? Our rule has become, “The show must go on.” We are driven to keep the seats full and the money coming in. The more we work, the more we grow—so we have to work harder to maintain the growth and pay the bills. The pace becomes more and more frantic until the engines fail and the wheels fall off. Building God’s way requires patience, pacing, regular maintenance and plenty of downtime to receive His ongoing guidance and grace.

Lesson #4: Character is more important than anointing. Some revival groupies disagree with me on this. They’re so desperate for a display of miracles that they’ll take a zap from someone who has questionable morals or shoddy values. They don’t mind who lays hands on them as long as they are thrown to the floor while the crowd cheers.

I love revival too, and I’ve spent time on the floor soaking in God’s presence. I love the anointing. But please: Can you show me in the Word of God that character is not required of leaders? The Bible says imposters who work miracles will spend eternity in hell. Working miracles does not win anyone brownie points with God. Ministers of the gospel need both godly character and powerful anointing. Why did we ever settle for the idea that we should have one without the other?

Lesson #5: Lay hands on no man quickly. Many of us are still grieving over the fact that a large number of charismatic leaders stood on a stage in Lakeland in June and publicly commissioned Bentley. Some praised him for his integrity and humility while others prophesied about the nations he will evangelize and the increased spiritual influence he will wield. Today those proclamations (readily available on You Tube) seem hollow and embarrassing.

Some who stood on that stage insist that God told them to do a public commissioning service. One recently hinted to me that it was a mistake. I’ll let them sort that out. Personally, it saddens me that our movement has been tarnished by what appears to be a serious lack of discernment. In the crazy world of independent ministries—which already lack proper accountability—leaders should take the time to investigate a preacher before commending him on international television.

Lesson #6: You can’t have revival without repentance. The word “revival” is thrown around loosely these days. If a few people fall on the floor, get goose bumps or see gold dust, we are ready to christen it a revival and put it on television as soon as possible. After all, if large crowds gather, it must be God!

I’m tired of imitations. History shows that genuine revival is more than a bunch of blessed bodies in a pile. We need more than angel feathers, emotional euphoria and limp pep talks about getting high on Jesus. We need the strong Word of God that convicts hearts, demands repentance, slays sin and has the power to produce converts who will withstand temptation.

With Lakeland behind us, let’s celebrate the testimonies that came out of it, enjoy the songs we sang during it and pray for the restoration of the man God used to start it. Then, let’s learn from our mistakes and press on to better things.

Steve from our MOSAIC congregation sent some of us at MOSAIC this link to a news item by  Pascale Trouillaud in Beijing , from Agence France-Presse. Steve wrote;

“I hate kinda sending this creepy  link so publicly, but it confirms Pastor Jack’s message last Sunday about what he had observed in Hong Kong.  May everyone, truly understand the value of God and community and spread this good message among the Chinese  and others similar to this situation with a renewed sense of commitment. This is exactly why the Church has to stand up and reach out fast. I don’t know how true that article is in terms of numbers shown, but it is a wake up call to all of us at CCC. People once gone like this won’t come back. We heard this message from Ps Jack  last Sunday and now wham! this news comes out publicly, perhaps God is trying to get all our attention? who knows.”

Check out the article;,27574,24774261-401,00.html

The photos are very disturbing, and perhaps a bit too sensational, but I was struck by the final paragraph where the subject of religion is raised; “The Chinese are caught in the middle of the often conflicting demands of Communism, Confucianism and capitalism, and they do not know which one to turn to, experts say.”This is not like the West where the majority have a religious faith,” said Zhu Wanli, a psychologist from the southwest city of Chongqing. “Most people here do not have any religion, especially not the young.” And if they do go to the temples, for many it is in order to light incense in a pious plea – for money.”

Have a look at the comments attached to this article, they are very interesting.

Steve, I agree with your thoughts 100%!!!

Jimmy invited me to his school Christmas Concert, so this morning I went. Jimmy is a member of our Church, and I like Jimmy very much. Here is a picture of Jimmy in the concert. He was doing a dance with a flag.


The Christmas Concert was organised by the staff and teacher helpers at Mairehau High School Physical Disability Resource Center. There were about 20 students, about 10 teachers, and about 50 parents and friends at the concert. The concert lasted for just over an hour, and it was great. I loved it. It was one of the best Christmas Concerts I have been to.

Like all the students in the Christmas Concert Jimmy has a physical disability.  These young men and women have minds and spirits that function well, but are living in a body that does not function well. I cannot imagine what that must be like.

Watching and listening to the students in the concert I felt very grateful that I have been blessed with all my faculties, sight, speech, hearing, and physical co-ordination. But I was struck by by the fact that Jimmy and his friends seem to have much more of something than me. That ‘something‘ is a passion for life. Check it out in the picture below!! (I am not sure why my camera took a picture like this, but, to me, it captures Jimmy’s passion for life, and Jimmy’s passion for what ever he does. I wish I had a passion like this!)


Just over 3 months ago I posted this picture on my blog;


It is a picture of my grapevine, just after I had pruned it. Looking at this you would wonder if we would ever get any grapes from this ever again. Well, as promised back in August, here is a pic of our grapevine now, three months later.


Can you believe this? The fruitfulness of this vine amazes me! In another 3-4 months all my friends and neighbours are going to love me and my grapes.

Makes me wonder; how does this principal of “pruning” apply to a Church? Sometimes churches have lots of beautiful branches and leaves, but not much fruit……

About the same time as I pruned my grapevine, I also pruned my peach tree. Last year we got 7 peaches from our tree. So I thought, why not give it a bit of a prune too! Have a look at it now….. and this is just one small part of the tree.


……I have kind of developed a plan on how to find a new leader(s) for our Mandarin/English Congregation Children’s Ministry. I had a long chat with Deb who is stepping down after leading this ministry for this past year. She had a lot of reflections and comments, and I really appreciate her heart for these children. So, what is the plan???

1) Pray! (I figured this would be a good place to start, seeing this is a Church and Jesus is the head of the Church!) 2) Talk to Edmund. (Edmund is the Deacon responsible for the Children’s ministry, and when you do anything in a Church there are channels you must follow, and protocols that need to be respected. Which means I don’t want Edmund to think I am ignoring him, or taking over!) 3) Make a list of possible leaders, and with Edmund, go ask them to consider taking on this leadership position. (I hate doing this, but sometimes as a leader you ‘have’ to do things you don’t really like doing. I have a feeling this will take a while. I also need to talk to the 10-12 others who have been serving in this ministry to get their feed-back, and to thank them for what they have done this past year) 4) Raise the profile of the children’s ministry in the Mandarin Congregation. (Some people think Children’s Ministry is just ‘baby-sitting’, so its my job to put a high value on Children’s Ministry.)

It was just 7 days ago that we got back from three months of sabbatical, but I already feel pulled in 100 different directions. (am having real trouble preparing a sermon for this Sunday!! Can’t seem to focus….) But I do intend focusing on this Children’s Ministry Issue, to get it sorted, then will work with the Deacon’s Board to make some plans about future staff needs for our Church, then need to look at Small Group Ministry/Home Groups which seems to have broken down, then, then, then… so many other pressing needs in our Church….

How come in Churches like ours “systems” continually break down? They never seem to last very long, before they need to be re-structured, re-leadered, re-suscitated, re-newed, re-born and ressurected?


What a beautiful, warm welcome Becky and I got today from the three congregations of CCC today. What a great Church!

I feel like I have jumped right back into the “deep end” of the pool. Lots of people who want to see me, new people to meet and draw into the life of the Church, a few people who really need help with personal issues, 3 people who received Jesus as Lord and savior for the first time today and need follow up, and one pretty big need in the Church that really needs addressing; “Kid’s Connection”. Three months ago, before my Sabbath break,  I would have come home from a day at Church like this, quite overwhelmed and semi-paralyzed. But amazingly, tonight, I don’t feel like that at all. This is a real problem, but I believe it is manageable….. I just don’t know how to manage it….yet!

The need to find new leaders and helpers for our Mandarin Children’s Ministry (Kid’s Connection) for next year, and for volunteers to help over the Summer is a real issue that needs to be solved relatively quickly. We had a Sister in our Church who has done a fantastic job with the children this year, but she is over-committed with her job and family and sadly is unable to lead the team next year. Children’s ministry in a growing Church is vital! And one of the key tasks of a Pastor is the recruitment and support of a small army of volunteers. After 19 years I ought to be an expert at this, but sadly I feel like a ‘beginner’. I really don’t know what to do about this problem, but I know God loves these small children, and I believe God will somehow help us find volunteers to lead this vital ministry.

Look at these little angles! Who wouldn’t want to minister God’s love, and God’s Word to them???


Only problem is that ‘little angles’ can sometimes behave like ‘little devils’! What to do?


We arrived safely back in Christchurch yesterday morning. I must admit when we left KK on Wednesday I was only about 40% ready to return to CCC as Pastor. But as I sit here tonight, 2 days later, I am now 95% ready!

What made the difference? 1) Has to be the warm response of the brothers and sisters we have so far met back here in CCC. It seems that they missed us and it seems that they are happy to have us back. I feel a genuine love for the folk here in our Church! I am happy to be their Pastor, even though I think being a Pastor is not always an easy task. 2) Has to be that Christchurch really is a nice place to live. Having been in Asia for 3 months, Christchurch seems so clean, so ordered, so peaceful, so beautiful. It is almost Summer here, warm, and green, and bright. Our garden is growing, and soon we will be able to pick fresh strawberries, and raspberries, and peaches and plums and grapes, and fresh organic vegies… what a wonderful thing. And no more buying bottled water. Christchurch tap water is better than any bottled mineral water in Asia!

New tag-line for my blog. I have given this some serious thought and prayer, and since my Sabbath is over, I cannot blog anymore about my Sabbath. So from tomorrow on I will call this blog;

“Pastor Jack’s Blog; Multi-ethnic Church Leadership in Christchurch, New Zealand”.

In the months and hopefully years ahead, I want to blog about my experience of leading our Church, which is now a diverse, multi-ethnic Church. (So I will talk about the challenges and joys of Pastoral leadership, specifically in the context of a Church that is trying to reach and enfold people from many diverse backgrounds, cultures, languages, and socio-economic levels.) This being here in Christchurch, New Zealand. (I want to draw in thoughts and resources from other Cities and other Countries where diverse kinds of Churches are being planted and grown, but also speak from my personal situation here in Christchurch, New Zealand.)

So I plan to blog about specific things and personal things which may interest members and ex-members of our Church, but I will also blog about general things that may interest others around the world who are trying to do the same thing as us here in Christchurch, and also help us to learn from what those others around the world are doing as they try to build great Multi-ethnic Churches wherever they may be.

I know I should have told you all about this before, but I didn’t want you to think I was having too much fun on my Sabbath Break. Well………. I guess you are all going to find out some time, so I had better ‘fess up and tell you about it.

Yes, on my Sabbath I had a bit of F1 Action. Here is a pic with my new buddy Lewis. He is actually quite a nice guy and sends his love to everyone at CCC, specially all his fans like Ben & Sam!!


(I am writing this from Singapore Airport, which has got to be the coolest Airport in the World!!)