Today, 10/10, is Taiwan’s National Day. I was hoping to see a few F16s fly over or Cruise Missile Launchers paraded through Taipei…. but while we were having lunch, I missed it!! ….Come on… if you were in my position which would you choose; a bowl of Taiwan’s famous ‘Nou rou min’ or standing in the hot sun watching a military parade??

Like the rest of the world, Taiwan seems to be depressed by the Financial Crisis sweeping the Globe. If you have stocks, savings, or investments it is a bit scarey. Reminds me of that verse in proverbs that says; “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” (Proverbs 23:4-6) For us on this Sabbatical break it has been sad to see the NZ$ sinking like the Titanic!!! It makes everything over here more expensive. Never mind, God will supply all our needs according to His riches!!

Today we spent the day with Jasmine and her daughter Jessie and Dustin and his family;

Jessie was born in NZ, and she was just 6 years old when she left Christchurch with her family to return to Taiwan. If you taught Jessie in CCC Sunday School you will be pleased to see what a really lovely young lady she has become. Jessie studies at a Catholic boarding school in Tainan, and was back in Taipei for the long weekend. I was practising my Mandarin and asked Jessie; “Ni shi na gwoh ren?” She replied; “I don’t know!” We decided she was either a Taiwanese-Kiwi, or a Kiwi-Taiwanese. What about you? “Ni shi na gwoh ren”?

We had a nice afternoon with Dustin and his family visiting Bali; (eldest daughter; Joy, was at home studying)

Follow up on my eye surgery; As you might know ,for many years I have had a problem with my eyes being ‘super-sensitive’ and often having a problem with too many tears and runny eyes. Well, since Dr Chou removed that lump on my eyelid, I have had dry eyes, and feel no irritation, and no runny eyes. It is WONDERFUL!!!! Thank God, and thank Dr. Chou again!!

Am looking forward to the weekend, where we will meet more old friends from CCC, and of course Monday Night is the big Wedding Banquet… will have lots of pretty photos of kevin and Clare to show you.