The other day I was in Taipei and I think I saw Angela Liu. I am not completely sure, what do you think? Is it really her?

Have a closer look….

Angela is this you? If you are in Taipei, give me a call….. I just wonder who the guy is?

One of the things that is very striking in Taiwan are the scooters, or ‘mo-to che”….. they are everywhere. Last week a Pastor at Linnan Church took me for a ride on his scooter. I was a bit nervous at first, but I must admit it was kinda fun. Must have looked a bit weird to see an overweight ‘lao-wai’ on the back of a scooter zipping through Taipei city.

We are about to leave Taiwan after being here for almost 30 days. We have really enjoyed our time here. It has been much better than I expected. Here are some of the things that stick in my mind about Taiwan;

Food, food, food. Cheap, convenient, yummy, and so very, very tempting.

Public transport. It is cheap, quick, convenient, and clean. The MRT is brilliant!!

People, people, people. (Not as crowded as Hong Kong though!) We have found the Taiwanese, generally to be friendly, polite, helpful, and very hard working. But many of them look a bit stressed out.

Big Hospitals. We live near Chang Gaan hospital in Lin-kou, and go past it a couple of times every day in the bus on the way to Taipei City. This Hospital is very, very, ‘re-nau’. (I know Chinese people like ‘re-nau’ but this is crazy!) Chang Gaan is more like a train station. I cannot believe how many people go in and out of this hospital. Is it because the Taiwan Govt. fund the Health System so well, or is it because there are really so many sick people in Taiwan?

Politics. I get the impression that most people in this Country are sick of politics and politicians. Almost everyone we talked to about the Political situation was very upset with past President Chen Sui-bin. Only one, a taxi driver, thought that it was all a conspiracy created by the KMT dominated Media to make Chen Sui-bin look bad… but he was the only one. But it seems like President Ma’s political honeymoon with the public is well and truly over! He seems to get blamed for everything in this country, and most people tell me, “he is a good man, but not a good president”.

The Christians we met were very lovely people. The Church seems healthier than I had heard. Someone told me that in Taipei 10% go to church, but over the whole country it is only about 3%. The Church in Taiwan faces many challenges, but God is a BIG God, and He loves the people of Taiwan, and you get a feeling that God is at work in this place. Next week there is a big Franklin Graham Gospel Festival in the middle of Taipei. (Franklin is Billy Graham’son.) It is a very big deal, so please pray for Taiwan over the next 10 days that God will stir up His Church and many will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Finally the thing that strikes me about Taiwan is………………..

Cram Schools….. who would want to be a student in Taiwan???????

Make sure you check out my blog tomorrow. There will be something here specially for Sarah Chang, as well as pics of a few old YAG members!!