(This title; “Beautiful Taiwanese Ladies”, is a bit of a cynical ploy to get more traffic to my blog. Sorry to disappoint anybody who was looking for a different kind of “Beautiful Taiwanese lady” and not really wanting to find a Pastor’s Sabbatical Blog, but perhaps fate has led you to my blog and there is something here that you need to read, so read on… and, the 3 ladies who are the subject of this posting are indeed beautiful on the inside and the outside!!!)

This blog entry is indeed about 3 “Beautiful Taiwanese Ladies”, Jasmine, Rou-mei and Joy;

Ruo-mei, on the left, came to Christchurch with her two sons in 2000. She started attending our church and in 2002, she put her faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptised into Christ. She was a real joy in our Church but sadly for us she returned to Taipei in 2004, and is now working in her profession as a dentist with her husband in their clinic. She is part of a large Lutheran Church in Taipei. Many in our Church may remember her two sons; Lang and Ming, they are now 17 and 15… I think…, and are doing well at school here.

Jasmine, on the right, came to Christchurch in 1995, and also started attending our Church and was baptised into Christ in 1997. It was also lovely having Jasmine and her two children in our Church, and again sadly for us they moved back to Taiwan in 2002. She is working for a Neurology-Radiology Doctor’s Association here in Taiwan, and enjoying life! Her son Yi-gwang is now 17 and her daughter Jessie is now 12.

Becky and I spent a very enjoyable evening with Ruo-mei and Jasmine, talking about old-times, and, of course, eating! But to show you that our time here in Taiwan is about more than just having fun and eating…. here is a picture of my Mandarin Language tutor; Joy.

Joy graduated from “Tai Da” University (Sorry, I don’t know the English translation) and is trained and experienced in teaching Mandarin, so I was so happy that she is willing to help tutor me with my Mandarin. Even more grateful when she said that as she was praying she felt God tell her not to accept payment for her services… wow, thank you Lord and thank you Joy!!! I had my first session with Joy today. Learning Mandarin is Hard!!! But I think with Joy’s expertise, I can really make some progress. Will keep you posted!