It has been a long time since we have seen Mary Wong 13 years actually! Mary came to Chch to study at Lincoln University in 1992. She was invited to our Church by Ho Yeoh-liang who was then the Student President of OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship) at Lincoln University and a member of our Church at the time. He is now a business man back in Singapore. Mary started coming to our Church and over time came to believe and put her faith in Jesus and was baptised in our Church in 1993. Mary was such a sweet young lady, and we loved her very much, and were very sad when she returned to Malaysia in 1995. That was a long time ago and we have not seen her since, so today was a special day, we were so glad to met her again and her husband and 2 1/2 year old daughter Celine and 9 month old son Collin. We chatted about the old days at CCC and about old friends. Mary is going to take us out tomorrow to find some Malaysian Laksa!!! Yum!

After returning to Malaysia Mary worked for a Telco training their staff, then got married, and now she owns and runs an after school, school, kind of like a “bu-shi baan”, but a bit different in that they are helping children reach their creative potential and develop their academic skills. Her husband owns a cell/hand phone business. They are active in their Church, and seem very happy here in K.L. Here is another pic of their family;

Mary may not want me to show you this, but she sent it to me a few years ago and I have had it on my computer ever since, so I share it with you today. Very cute huh!!! Still very cute!