Tonight we met up with a few more old/young friends from CCC. Haven’t seem them for ages and it was really great to see them again.

From left to right;

Brother George Chang brought his wife and family, John, Danny and Lisa to Chch in 1989. So they were in our Church almost from the very beginning. George and his wife now live back in Kaohsiung and continue their business there. Over the years George has continued to come back to CCC to visit. George; hope you can join us for our 20th Anniversary Celebrations, first weekend in Oct next year!!

Victor Zuan… it was great to see Victor again. (Check out my blog entry a few weeks ago where I introduced Victor.)

Danny Chang became a christian, was Baptised in our Church and was in our Church for many years and in 1996 returned to Taiwan to go to Medical School. Danny has been working now as a G.P. Dr. in a large hospital here in Taipei for the past 4 years. Like all Dr.s in Taiwan he works long hours and works very hard. It was great that he was able to take a few hours off to have dinner with us. Danny is still single….  (He looks like a Dr. huh!!?)

Lisa Chang was also baptised in our church and served in our church for many years, she taught Sunday School for many years too! Lisa was her normal, joyful, lovely self tonight, and it was great to see her again! Lisa is working for a publishing company that is producing children’s books here in Taiwan. (Check out the cool pics below!!)

Cecelia came to Chch with her family when she was 15. (I won’t tell you what year that was!) Her mum; Hsu Fen-fen, big sister Loh-loh (I have forgotten what her real name is, ‘Loh-loh’ and ‘La-la’ aka. Angela Chen now in Singapore, are names taken from the popular British children’s TV programme ‘Tele-tubbies’, presumably these 2 girls liked watching Tele-tubbies…. or was it because they looked like Tele-tubies? I don’t know. Anybody out there know why these two girls are called La-la and Loh-loh?) and younger brother Nick stayed in Chch, and Dad continued his business in Taiwan, but would come to Chch from time to time. (I remember teaching him English in our Church English classes many years ago.) At first Cecelia was a bit anti-Church, but after her family members started becoming Christians, Cecelia finally received Jesus as her savior and was baptised in our Church. The family moved to Auckland about 2000 and Cecelia got a couple of Masters degrees, one in Auckland, one in Sydney, and is now back in Taipei working with a company selling computer components. (Cecelia told me that her father recently received Jesus as Lord and was baptised so now the whole family are Christian.) Cecelia was her usual happy, positive lovely self.

Yi-pei was also in Chch for ages. She came to our Church on and off, but it wasn’t till she went to Wellington to study Uni that she really came to know the Lord. Yi-pei came back to Chch, and studied at Teacher’s College and was part of our Church for those years. She worked as a teacher for a while then moved back to Taipei. After doing a 2 year course at Bread of Life Seminary, Yi-pei is now working for the Bread of Life Church here in Taipei. Her official title is “Campus Missionary” and she is part of the large youth ministry in this mega-Church. Their youth ministry has over 2,000 young people!! It was wonderful to catch up with Yi-pei again, she is still lovely and still has her beautiful smile.

Here are the pics I promised you of Lisa. Pretty cute huh!!!! (Tomorrow I give back my “USB Wireless Widget Thingie” so I will be off-line till I get organised in K.L., Malaysia early next week. Sat we go to Macao, and Sunday to K.L. So make sure you check things out here on my blog next week. See you in Malaysia!)