Back in CCC Sarah Chang always has her camera out to take photos of food. Well today, at the National Palace Museum here in Taipei, Becky and I went to the most classy restaurant we have ever been to!!! So Sarah, hope you enjoy these pictures of the dishes in the “Silks Palace”…….. because we certainly enjoyed eating them!

Barbecued Suckling Pig Combination:

Minced Prawn Wrapped with Lettuce:

Buddha Soup Tureen……….. (I asked the waitress if she had any Christian Soup, but she said no):

Pan-fried lamb Chops with Red Wine Sauce:

Cabbage Jade:

Steamed Fish Roll with Ham and Mushroom:

Fried Rice with Conopy and Egg White:

Finally…….. Milk Flan with Mango Sauce & fresh Seasonal Fruit Platter:

It was a really special meal, and a very beautiful, traditional/modern restaurant, and we were so happy to be able to have this lunch with Dr Chou, who did the operation on my eye-lid, and also Jasmine who has spent a lot of time with Becky and I showing us around and arranging so many things for us here in Taiwan.

After the Silks Palace we walked over to the stunning National Palace Museum and spent a very enjoyable few hours looking at so many ancient treasures. To see beautiful works of art from 2,000 years ago (the time of Jesus), 3,000 years ago (the time of David) and even 4,000 years ago (the time of Abraham) was very amazing.